Andrew Murray said, “Pride must die in you, or nothing of heaven can live in you.”
Pride is a spiritual stronghold; a tool of the enemy used to set itself up against the knowledge of God. It controls, it entangles, and renders believers ineffective in their witness.
Beth Moore addressed it in her book, Praying God’s Word. She personifies pride as someone who cheats you of your destiny, contentment, knowledge, healing, holiness, vision, friendship, love, greatness in Heaven, and God’s glory.
Thankfully, Psalm 25:9 says that God promises to lead the humble in what is right, and teach the humble his way.
Here are 3 ways pride causes us to make bad decisions and an alternative to stay humble and grounded in biblical truth.
1. Pride causes us to overspend. This happens with regularity – you overspend on your budget instead of putting a few items back, you make an impulse purchase to impress others, you spend out of your price range to maintain a certain status in your neighborhood.
Whether your overspending is big or small, when you are tempted, remind yourself of Proverbs 16:18 – that pride comes before a fall. Living as a steward will cause you to look different than your friends, family, and neighbors. This means your purchasing habits look different too! Pray about your purchases and if they are honoring to God instead of concerning yourself with a status to maintain.
2. Pride causes us to covet. When you let pride sneak into your heart, finances, and relationships, you get stuck in a competitive mindset, always ranking yourself against someone else. This breeds discontentment and covetousness that only leads to destruction. When you’re tempted to covet someone else’s material items, or that you “deserve” more, remember Romans 12:3 – that you should not think of yourself more highly than you ought. Instead, think of yourself (and others) the way God does.
3. Pride can prevent us from seeking help when we need it. Is it hard for you to ask for help? Admitting you need support or guidance requires a lot of humility but is a wise and humble step to take. James 4:10 reminds us that God uplifts those who are humble. If you’re struggling with credit card debt, get in touch with Christian Credit Counselors. They have a wonderful team of Christian experts to help you pay off your credit cards quickly and with less interest.
God bless you on your journey to financial freedom!
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Is credit card debt causing you stress and strain? Christian Credit Counselors would like to help!