He was stuck … Tom constantly worried about providing for himself and his family.
And this financial insecurity caused frustration in his career — dissatisfied by his job that wasn’t fulfilling his purpose — and in his marriage too.
But in the midst of Tom’s worries and struggle, God’s principles changed everything …
Tom was moved by Chuck’s challenge that you cannot outgive God — and to “test Him in this.” So moved that he immediately drove down to his church and wrote out a tithe check for the first time in his life!
And, just as Chuck shared, God has been faithful to “outgive” Tom and his family — blessing them with all they need.
Crown’s Career Direct® assessment is also helping him to understand his gifts and talents, how he can best spend his time, practical ways for him to gain the most fulfillment from his new job!
“Crown has served my entire family through their ministry,” Tom says today.
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Christian Credit Counselors
Is credit card debt causing you stress and strain? Christian Credit Counselors would like to help!