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Sheila Thompson

Sheila has been serving with Crown since 1992. Now serving as the Chief of Partner Engagements, she has worked in numerous executive-level positions with the ministry from the years with Larry Burkett through the present time. Her scope of responsibility has included ministry fundraising, marketing, communications, customer relations, operations, ministry education, analytics, and field administration. Her research in the areas of poverty and orality was instrumental in launching Crown’s poverty outreach ministries around the world.

She has a passion to see people of all ages and demographics progress in their relationship with the Lord, experience heart transformation, and apply His principles to their lives.

Sheila’s life was deeply impacted by Christ through Larry Burkett’s teaching on stewardship. Her spiritual journey advanced to another level when she began volunteering in her own church community and helping others learn stewardship principles. Sheila and her husband, Chuck, have led the Stewardship Ministry in a local church of more than 5,000 members.

Sheila came to Crown with 13 years of experience in the corporate world, bringing a background in both marketing and computer science. She received multiple IBM Certifications in Technology.

Sheila and Chuck live in North Georgia. They have one daughter, two sons, one daughter-in-law, and one grandson. They love spending time together as a family and particularly love being near the ocean. Their youngest teenage son keeps them very busy with all of his musical adventures.