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Crazy Money! Ebay Shoppers

It’s Crazy Money Day!

Do you plan to shop eBay this Christmas? Apparently, even billionaires do. Some of the most extravagant purchases have included a yacht that sold for $168 million, a Gulfstream II plane for $4.9 million, and lunch with Warren Buffett for $2.6 million. It’s crazy!  I wonder what lunch with me would bring?

On a more serious note, I hope you plan to avoid holiday debt this year. Resist the temptation to give till it hurts by keeping an eternal perspective. You can make celebrations fun and memorable without spending too much money. You’ll protect your financial health and skip the fear and stress of overspending this holiday. Here are some things I hope you’ll remember:

• Don’t try to impress others with the gifts you buy. People want to know that you love them, not that you put yourself in financial pain to buy them something;

• Don’t feel obligated to give what may be expected. Surprise someone by giving something out of the ordinary;

• Don’t be embarrassed about what you can afford to give. The more thoughtful the gift, the more impact it will have.

• Finally, don’t worry if others spend more on you than you can afford to spend on them. 

Celebrate the season without letting your finances spiral out of control. Ignore social media and emotional ads, and embrace the true reason for the season. Let the love of Christ reign in your heart this holiday. May it overflow in your love for others in ways that money can’t buy.

As we approach the final weeks of 2023, I hope you’ll consider supporting Crown and this radio station. They work to bring programming like ours to help you grow in Christ. As Jesus said, it is more blessed to give than to receive. So first give to this radio station and then consider being a part of the Crown Matching Challenge going on now through December 31. Every gift will be doubled in impact. Give today at