Honesty In Finances
With tax season approaching, many people will do some “creative math” to get a bigger refund check from the government. Have you been tempted?
Romans 13:7 says, “Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”
Listen, no one likes taxes! I get it! But cheating Caesar is breaking the law.
Since we truly believe that all we have belongs to God, and know that Scripture tells us to pay our taxes, then why would we try to cheat the government out of the money that God says is rightfully theirs?
Don’t look to the government to provide for your needs. Be faithful to the Lord and allow him to bless you. His gifts are WAY better than Uncle Sam’s!
For more help with your finances, and tools to help you to manage them in a way that pleases God, visit crown.org/money