30 Day Money Reset
Your one month challenge to develop healthy, biblical financial habits.
Today we are talking about saving!
For some, this is a very natural habit. It comes easily to them and helps them feel financially stable. For others, it takes a great deal of effort to save money. Spenders tend to see money as there to be spent, so what’s the point in saving it? Remember what your money personality is and how it affects your spending decisions!
The Bible talks extensively about saving because it’s an integral part of the stewardship journey. Every time you save money, you take a step back from the ledge of the financial cliff. When you live without margin, you are living on the cliff’s edge and one gust of wind could push you over the side.
The key to being successful at saving is to have a plan. This helps you spend money on purpose! Simply having money left in your bank account at the end of the month without a budget, goals, or a plan doesn’t count as true saving. That’s called a good accident!
Biblical saving is an intentional, purposeful habit that we have to work towards and maintain. It will help you get out of debt, stay out of debt, and live with financial margin that allows you to give generously and quit worrying about money.
Today's action item:
Today, save something! If you don't have a savings account, open one. If you do already have one, add something to it. Start with what you can, even if it's just $10. Write down what you save and if you open a saving account today in your journal or 30 Day Snapshot.
Then make savings goals and a plan to reach them.
Your first goal should be to put $1,000 in an emergency fund. Once you’ve accomplished that, save 3-6 months’ of living expenses. Then save up to 9-12 months’ of living expenses. Anytime you need to make a big purchase, plan ahead and save up so you can pay cash.
This may feel overwhelming, so just take it one step at a time. Utilize the helpful resources below.
Remember that these 30 days are about creating healthy financial habits. Just like you wouldn’t plan on losing 100 pounds in 30 days on a diet, don’t be discouraged or disappointed if it takes time to reach these goals. By putting the framework in place now, you can build on your goals for months and years to come.
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