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Crown Stewardship Center™- Malawi Trains Leaders From Latin America

by Megan Buerkle October 5, 2019

Crown Stewardship Center™ – Malawi has existed 19 years and thousands of lives have been transformed through their work. In August 2019, Crown leaders from 8 different countries: Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Venezuela, Chile, Argentina and Australia participated in the six week Training the Trainers course at our Crown Stewardship Center in Malawi. They learned about stewardship related to finances, land, and business. It is amazing to see Malawi (one of the world’s poorest countries in the world) training leaders from Latin America and other countries! This was our first Latino group with Spanish translation present at the Malawi School. May there be many more to come! May God greatly multiply what each of these people learned in growing faithful stewards around the globe for His Kingdom.


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