Savings Day – Encourage Friends
Do you know anyone who’s struggling to save money?
People often have a hard time learning to save. Unfortunately, it’s easy to exasperate them in our attempt to help. Troubled people don’t need us to point out their problems. Most don’t appreciate unsolicited advice. In fact, many discouraged people already recognize their mistakes and have more than adequately condemned themselves. What they need is love and encouragement.
The lack of loyalty to Christians with problems is not new. In the Apostle Paul’s letters, he shared that his problems caused others to doubt his calling and to avoid him. That’s the last thing hurting people need. Job suffered family loss and economic reversal. The words and judgment of his so-called friends stand as a testimony to disloyalty. One told him that his suffering indicated that he’d been a fool. Job answered, “Anyone who withholds kindness from a friend forsakes the fear of the Almighty.” (Job 6:14)
When friends struggle financially, listen well and learn what’s going on. Love them by demonstrating patience, kindness, and compassion. Lift them up in intercessory prayers. Ask God to open a door for you to humbly share the truths that you’ve learned about managing money God’s way. Then, lead them through basic Biblical financial principles. That will enable them to steward what God provides so they can begin to save. Be the light for those who desperately need it. Encourage your friends, remembering that “whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” (Proverbs 11:25)
Many friends suffer with credit card debt. Perhaps you do, too. If so, I recommend Christian Credit Counselors. They’ll create a debt management plan that will work for you. For more information call the Crown Helpline: 800-722-1976 or visit online at