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Savings Day – Budget Coach Testimony

Have you ever worked with a personal trainer to get into shape? 

Good trainers know how to help by encouraging and challenging in specific areas, and when we listen, and apply what they tell us, we’ll see results. Now we at Crown care about your relationship with the Lord and your stewardship of all that He provides. We’ve trained coaches who offer hope in difficult situations. One person recently wrote of her experience: 

“Working through Crown’s Budget Coaching program with Melinda has been such a blessing to me. When I first started, I was terrified of facing my financial reality. Walking through an unwanted separation and trying to figure out how I was financially going to take care of my children was very frightening. Making a budget and facing what my life would look like in this area was hard at first, and I dreaded that meeting. Melinda was so kind and caring and hopeful that I actually looked forward to our next meeting and felt like so much weight was lifted from my shoulders. She not only helped me to create a budget, but gave me hope. The Bible study I did for each lesson was excellent and really helped me to realize that God was in control. I appreciate the ministry so much and I’m thankful that God putting Melinda in my life. Her kindness, focus on the Lord and knowledge have been a game changer for me. I’ve gone from fear to confidence and I’m excited to be able to take care of the money God has given me in a way that honors Him.”

So are you losing sleep due to money troubles? Feeling alone and overwhelmed with the burden of financial difficulties? Our online budget coaching program can put you on the road to financial freedom. We’ve all made financial mistakes. Now is a great time for a fresh start. Sign up today. Just Go to and type in Budget Coach.