Moving in America
Americans are moving.
I visited my dentist back in January. The dental assistant was new, so I asked her to tell her story. Since I couldn’t talk, I learned a lot! She and her husband and two children recently relocated from California. She did extensive research on the “lower 48” states and by her criteria, Tennessee was the overall leader. So they moved. Remarkably, 12 members of their California family also followed and bought homes near each other. More than one in ten Americans moved in early 2021. The top five states they left, according to North American Moving Services, are Illinois, California, New Jersey, Michigan, and New York. The top five states that they moved to are South Carolina, Idaho, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Florida. Here’s what they wanted:
• Lower cost of living
• Proximity to family
• Work flexibility
• Job opportunities
• Better schools
• Safety regarding the pandemic
Others traded heavy traffic, and crowded cities for better weather and outdoor recreation. Politics was forefront for many. Covid revealed the desire for many families to live near one another. There are numerous financial benefits if healthy boundaries are in place. Free babysitters, reduced travel costs to visit at holidays, sharing tools and equipment, and passing down knowledge and skills. Ask God for wisdom and direction to place you where He wants you to be. It’s possible He wants you right where you are.
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