Dear Chuck,
My wife is really organized, but I am not. When it comes to finances, she gets stressed if we go over budget a little here or there. How do I help her chill out?
Stressed-Out Wife
Dear Stressed-Out Wife,
It might surprise you, but I think you may be placing the blame for her stress on the wrong person. Having an organized wife is a blessing, not a problem! But like you, I once lived with a “no big deal” attitude about living on a budget. I think I can help resolve this.
Let me make a case for changing your mind about how best to help reduce her stress.
Stewards Are Managers
Did you know that one of the most frequently mentioned habits of high achievers is organization? Whether one keeps a “To-Do List” or devotes certain hours in weekly planning, developing habits of organization is crucial to stewardship. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a steward as “one employed in a large household or estate to manage domestic concerns (such as the supervision of servants, collection of rents, and keeping of accounts).” In other words, the essence of being a steward is to manage well.
Costs of Financial Disorganization
Unorganized people lose hundreds and thousands of dollars on fees, interest, and unopened checks. Take a look at a partial list of consequences:
In addition, unorganized people often suffer the emotional toll of stress, guilt, depression, anxiety, frustration, and embarrassment which eventually lead to relationship issues. In your case, you are not stressed about it because you have the luxury of your wife doing all she can to keep the wheels on the bus going round and round.
Benefits of Financial Organization
Faithfulness as God’s steward requires financial organization, and many benefits flow from this:
Tips to Develop Organizational Habits
When the pain in our finances got very intense, it captured my attention. My organized, picky, careful wife needed me to get organized, too, and start helping us live within our means. I had to learn to get more organized to help her get more chill! Here are some tips to help the unorganized make the leap to the other side.
Prioritize your tasks, take small steps, set a timer, and remove distractions (phone, TV, etc.) Work when you are most productive, then reward yourself after a set time. Develop daily, weekly, monthly, and annual routines.
Never Slack Off
“A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.” (Proverbs 10:4 ESV) This verse makes it clear that the diligent—those committed to following through to complete their responsibilities—are rewarded. Those who simply avoid the vital task of getting organized will suffer.
I hope this helps. It sounds like you have what I call a Proverbs 31 wife. Be grateful, and honor her by doing your part to keep your finances on track.
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This article was originally published on The Christian Post on August 5, 2022
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