Emotional triggers cause you to spend money. Maggie McGrath at Forbes made a list of the most common ones.
If you know your trigger, you need to put on the full armor of God to withstand temptations.
Avoid going where you know you spend money. Stay away from the mall, boutiques, or online shopping. Delete or unsubscribe from sites where you will waste time and/or spend money. Pick up a book or find a productive way to spend free time rather than hopping on the computer or smartphone.
Check your emotions. When did you last thank God for who He is and what He has done for you? Are you seeking satisfaction from people or things rather than the only One who can truly satisfy?
Set your mind on things above not on things that are on the earth. You will find that your heart becomes satisfied with the riches of Christ that are of much greater value than the things of this world.
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