Crazy Money Day! Statue Worth $$$
It’s Crazy Money Day!
20 years ago, a British couple purchased a marble statue at a garden auction for $7,500. The heavily weathered sculpture, by an unknown artist, sat in their garden for decades. Recently, it came to the attention of Christie’s auction house. The statue of a woman reclining on a rectangular base was restored to its original white finish. Only then was it discovered to be something very, very special. The piece was one of the last sculptures completed by Antonio Canova, an Italian artist. Scholars had been searching for it for years. Canova is considered the greatest neoclassical sculptor of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The sculpture was commissioned by a British Prime Minister and was predicted to sell for $6 to $10 million. However, at London’s Old Masters Sale in July, it didn’t find a buyer. Sales were surprisingly low – an indicator of our unstable economic environment.
Now I see that as a warning sign. It’s crazy to spend more than you earn, month after month, and if you’re struggling to make ends meet, don’t ignore the problem. Do what you can to bring down your fixed costs and seriously analyze your variable expenses. Challenge your household to make necessary changes. Ask the Lord to give you self-control and motivation to work hard and willingly sacrifice some comfort, but don’t be discouraged! You’re more valuable than any crazy piece of garden art! After all, you’re made in the image of God.
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