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Children and Financial Literacy

Are your children financially literate?

Biblically financially literate people know how to create a budget, manage debt, give, save, invest, and plan for the future. Armed with the confidence to make wise decisions, they steward well whatever God provides. Living with margin, they’re free to follow wherever He leads. WalletHub conducted a nationally representative survey of college students, with questions ranging from opinions of their financial future to how they would grade their personal finances. 

• Nearly 1 in 5 don’t feel prepared to be on their own financially. 

• 1 in 3 give their personal finances a grade of “C” or worse. 

• 7 in 10 say they consider themselves savers rather than spenders.

• A majority say their parents help with their credit card bills. 

• More than 1 in 4 would be more comfortable talking with parents about sex than money.

You’ve probably taught your children more than you can see in their lives right now. It took me years to learn and apply Biblical financial principles. I can only imagine how I made my parents suffer. Thankfully, a basic foundation was laid in me: the value of hard work, the priority of giving, consistency in saving, and the importance of living with integrity. It’s easy to see our children’s mistakes, but we need to encourage their wise use of money. I’ve learned that they respond better to praise than correction. Proverbs 16:24 says, Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” So speak lovingly and pray fervently.

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