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Couples Experience Financial Transformation Through Budget Coaching

by Stephanie Anfinson May 14, 2024
Budget Coach Pic May2024

We learned that everything is God’s belonging as a Christian” – Logan and Morgan

Many individuals and couples find themselves at a crossroads with their finances, often struggling to align their monetary habits with their spiritual values. For Logan & Morgan Murphy and Maurice & Deborah Henry, turning to Crown Financial Ministries and their Budget Coaches proved transformative.

Logan and Morgan (pictured above) were in a stable financial situation but lacked a clear plan that reflected their faith-based values. With the guidance of their Budget Coach, they developed a structured financial plan centered around spending, saving, and giving as per their Christian beliefs. “We learned that everything is God’s belonging as a Christian,” shared the Murphys. They now budget diligently for regular giving, experiencing not just financial improvement but also spiritual alignment with their beliefs.

On the other hand, Maurice and Deborah Henry faced ongoing challenges with their spending habits, often finding themselves perplexed about where their money was going. Their turning point came when they decided to seek help after hearing about Crown on Way FM. With the support of their coach, Carmine Ferraro, the Henrys began to track their spending and adhere to a strict budget for the first time. Deborah noted, “For the first time, we are tracking where our money is going and sticking to a budget.” This has not only helped them manage their finances better but also brought their financial decisions in line with biblical principles.

Both couples have seen significant changes in their financial stewardship, proving the power of targeted financial coaching combined with a commitment to faith-based principles. Whether improving an already stable financial situation or overcoming chronic spending issues, the guidance from Crown coaches like J. Rice and Carmine Ferraro has been invaluable in helping individuals and families establish healthy, spiritually aligned financial practices.


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