Dear Chuck,
The company I work for was destroyed as a result of Hurricane Helene. We are surviving, but things are very tight financially, and we are emotionally overloaded. What should we do to work our way out of this crisis?
Surviving, Not Thriving
Dear Surviving, Not Thriving,
Many people are trying to navigate the trauma of Hurricane Helene and now Milton. I am so very sorry for your loss but grateful that you have survived and can begin to rebuild your lives.
The destruction we have witnessed reminds us that everything man has or can build is very, very temporal. It reminds us to do what God said:
“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”
– Colossians 3:2 ESV
Overwhelming Needs
The horrific destruction so many have experienced in the past 30 days has created many levels of need, so for this article, I will focus only on five steps for starting a crisis budget.
Before you begin, ask God to help you steward the limited resources you have right now. Do not worry about the future. Instead, live one day at a time. Help guard your emotions by focusing on the present. The future is in God’s hands. Cling to Him. See Matthew 6:25–34.
Resolve not to dwell on your loss but to be grateful for what you have. Turn each temptation to grumble into praise. It helps to begin and end each day with thanksgiving.
Ask God for wisdom to stretch every dollar and for ways to increase your income and decrease your expenses. Read the Bible, and ask Him to impress upon your heart His financial principles.
How to Implement a Crisis Budget
Step 1
Determine your current monthly income:
Step 2
Make two written commitments:
Step 3
Prioritize essential needs:
Step 4
Delay all non-essential expenses:
Step 5
Analyze monthly subscriptions:
Step 6
Ask others to join you:
How to Live Post-Crisis
I pray that your company will be able to reopen for business soon and can help you with supplemental income needs. Consider asking for help from your church or family as you seek reemployment and wait on the Lord to provide.
Take the lessons you learn and the habits you establish to steward wisely from here on. Allow God to use you to minister in the lives of those He puts in your path. And remember to give God the glory for every victory—no matter how small it seems.
Here are some helpful resources at Crown:
If you need outside support to implement your new budget, Crown’s online Budget Coaching program matches you with a certified coach who will work with you to develop a customized plan and provide much-needed encouragement while you rebuild your lives.
This article was originally published on The Christian Post on October 18, 2024.
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