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Testimony Tuesday – Crown Poland

Crown’s ministry is active in Poland. 

David Mrotek is president of the board of Crown Foundation Poland. Over 25 years ago, he discovered that Crown’s biblically-based materials were both useful and practical. He brought the training to his nation, and those same lessons are applicable today. Many Polish people don’t know how to manage money despite the fact that they have more money than they did 15 years ago. Covid and high inflation led many to seek help from financial pressures. Annually, Crown Poland hosts many events: 1-day seminars, webinars, meetings, and discussions. David believes they have influenced more than 250,000 people. They are truly making a difference. People are reading their Bible, praying, and applying God’s stewardship principles.

Poland has been a faithful partner despite numerous challenges. During Covid, they seized the opportunity to teach online. They created the “Bible on Finance” seminar in 5 excellent online sections. David seeks to be more flexible in serving his people and the church: those struggling with money and those who aren’t. Crown Poland works in both evangelical and Catholic circles. Though challenging, they’re producing fruit. He wants young people to see how God created them through the use of Crown’s Career Direct assessment. They’ve successfully used it to help children in foster families as well as Ukrainian refugees living in the country. I love our partnership with David and Crown Poland and his team’s fierce dedication to our work. Direct your Polish-speaking friends to his ministry.

And if you need help with your finances, Crown’s budget coaching program can put you on the road to freedom. Go to and click the “Get Help Now” tab. You can start today at