Words of Hope
Loving words can bring life and hope to the needy.
For many, there’s no “Merry” this Christmas. Some are lonely because of a divorce, broken relationships, or alienation from a child or friend. Others are experiencing guilt or shame because they cannot afford to give their children or loved ones what they desired or expected. Some have lost a dear friend, a spouse, or a brother or sister this year and are missing them badly right now, Others have no hope financially, physically, or emotionally.
Even though you may be hurting, think of those you know who are also hurting or lonely. I want you to call them. Tell them you love them. Perhaps you need to forgive or ask for forgiveness. Thank them for the impact they’ve had in your life, and if there’s anything they need, are you willing to sacrifice some of your comfort to minister to them? Perhaps you have people in your home right now who need hope. They’ve searched for happiness in the world, but it’s left them empty, void of any meaning and purpose.
If you know the Lord and are indwelt by His Spirit, then you have something marvelous to give. Your words of love and encouragement can bring life and hope to those who have none. Ask God to speak through you into the hearts of those who need it most, Jesus, whose birth we celebrate, is the Hope of the World! Share how He’s transformed your life. Don’t worry about being eloquent. Simply put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony, and may the love of Christ and the hope He offers flow from your heart this year as you bring true hope to the hopeless, and may God use this program to be a blessing to you.
On behalf of all the staff at Crown Financial Ministries and this radio station, we join together to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas filled with the love of Christ!