Crazy Money! America Needs to Steward Its Resources
It’s Crazy Money Day!
Open Secrets is a nonpartisan nonprofit that tracks money in politics. They report that nearly $16 billion was spent in the 2024 election cycle. $5 billion was spent on the presidential race while $10 billion was spent on Congressional races. More than 30% went towards media. The money was spent by the candidates themselves, political parties, and independent interest groups. Even though it’s actually less than was spent in 2020, I think it’s crazy! It shows how passionate people become to get their candidate elected!
Now, our American government needs a massive reduction in spending. It needs to abide by a budget and concentrate on reducing debts to reestablish confidence in the fiscal management of this nation’s vast wealth. Essentially, we need our political leaders to become good stewards of our national resources. In my view, this is the foremost skill needed by any local, state, or national elected official. In my opinion, America can find a way to turn back from the current path of economic destruction that we’re on, but it will not be without pain. Let’s pray for our nation to come to its senses, to restore principles of sound money, and to regain the trust of the world. We know that Jesus is the King of kings. We must keep our eyes on Him, not the government, to provide our peace, security, and purpose in life. Let’s do our part in stewarding money wisely knowing our days here are numbered.
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