Facing Peer Pressure
You’ve probably heard the saying, “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”, well that applies to our finances too. The people we surround ourselves with influence our lives, decisions, and finances more than we may know.
Well, the same goes for our children.
Our friends impact the way we make and spend our money, and it starts when we’re young.
Therefore, one of the responsibilities we have as parents is to prepare our children to live on their own, and to make wise financial decisions even when being faced with peer pressure. They must know who they are in Christ and why we desire to be faithful stewards.
Encourage your children to find good friendships and then get to know their families. Proverbs says, “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”
And Paul told the Corinthians, “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company ruins good morals.’”
It’s also important that your children learn to love others and it’s ok that your family does things differently. Let them be a light in the dark world.
Teach them that everything belongs to God and they are called to steward it well. Show them how to apply this by showing them how to make a budget.
Pray that your students choose to not conform to this world, but are transformed by the renewal of their minds. They could be the positive influence that their peers need. Prepare them well for the challenges of the world, love them, and talk with them frequently.
A great thing you can do for your children before they leave home is have them take a Career Direct Assessment. It will help them understand how God has designed them to work and study, and will equip them to make wise decisions regardless of peer pressure. Knowing their strengths and specific purpose will help them find success, – and less stress in college and their career.