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Financial Benefits of Marriage

Did you know marriage is not the cause of your financial problems? In fact, it is the very best solution!

Contrary to what you’ve heard, seen, or been told in the media today, the benefits of marriage FAR outweigh all other forms of living arrangements.

In fact, studies have shown that marriage makes you happier
, increases your net worth, and helps you save more money. While increasing your likelihood of affluence, it also decreases your mortality risk. Married women – by and large – experience less poverty, and married dads earn more income than single dads.

There are some scary statistics about divorce, but they tend to be exaggerated and rarely touch on the benefits and joy of marriage.

Please hear me – Marriage does not mean you won’t experience hardship or heartache. Maybe you and your spouse are not on the same page financially. If you feel like giving up, DON’T! There’s hope and help.

Ask the Lord for the strength to unify your marriage, and to give you humility to take the first step.

To unite financially, you must seek peace in your relationship. At least one of you must become a Peacemaker. Saying “I’m sorry, will you forgive me?” causes healing that penetrates pride and pain.

I hope you can hear how passionate I am about this topic. It comes from my personal experience – I wasn’t on the same page as my wife for 21 of the 38 years we have been married. It caused a lot of strife in our marriage, but when we finally got on the same page, everything changed. So we decided to write a book about it. You can read more about our experience, and the lessons we’ve learned along the way, in our just released  book – Money Problems, Marriage Solutions. And right now you can receive it as a thank you for making a donation of any amount to Crown Financial Ministries! Donate today at