Planning Ahead
Do you plan ahead so you can spend wisely? Good stewards do. And, here’s what they’ve discovered.
The Proverbs 31 woman is an example of someone whose planning is key to good stewardship. We’re told she worked hard, she spent wisely, and she planned ahead.
When you behave in this manner, there is money left to give generously.
But today we often say we can’t give because we have not been faithful stewards in planning, working or spending. And, yet, we know that Jesus said “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Good stewards work as unto the Lord.
Good stewards analyze the budget to make sure the needs of the family are covered. They look ahead to anticipate future expenses. Things like new tires, car repairs, appliance replacements, insurance costs for teen drivers, and diapers should be accounted for.
Good stewards discover what to buy every month based on yearly sale trends. They plan ahead for those purchases to get the best deals in order to spend wisely. You can Google: What to Buy Every Month.
Good stewards save and invest by researching and seeking wise counsel.
And, after all that planning, good stewards are able to give generously.
Planning takes time, but it’s a necessary ingredient to successful living. We plan our grocery lists, our vacations, and our kids’ sports schedules….so why not our finances too?
And, I have good news!! There is a guide that can help you accomplish this. Crown’s Money Map is a simple and easy-to-use guide that can help you set and reach financial goals that line up with Scripture. And it doesn’t matter where you’re starting. The Money Map can help you build an emergency savings plan or retirement account. Take the first step and download your free map today at