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Becoming a Peacemaker

Do you have financial unity in your marriage?

Most marriages need help in developing unity on financial issues . I define this unity as  the consistent readiness to reconcile mutual differences by seeking to listen to, honor, and learn from your spouse.  

This will bring peace… which is the oil that makes the engine of your marriage run smoothly in spite of bumps in the road that are revealed in your differences. But don’t just pray for peace….take action

When you become a peacemaker…you lay  the foundation for unity, which is the key to lasting satisfaction, joy and intimacy in marriage. It doesn’t just happen when you say I Do! You must strive to be peacemakers, seeking common ground and mutual benefit rather than becoming stubborn about your own agendas or selfish desires. As Solomon said, “Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife.”

If one of you will be the peacemaker…your marriage will survive…If both of you are peacemakers…your marriage will thrive!

Our flesh is demanding and proud. We have to combat it regularly by conforming our hearts and minds to love what God loves. And, in humility, we must put on the full armor of God and practice peacemaking daily by choosing healing words, learning each other’s love language, resolving misunderstandings, and learning to treat each other as friends…not enemies.

Choose to be the first to forgive and the first to forget. Don’t wait until your spouse deserves it or until you’ve received an apology. Remember that “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Choose your words wisely and they can be a healing balm to bring unity to your marriage.

This was a major lesson my wife and I had to learn in our own marriage. So, we wrote a book together. Money Problems, Marriage Solutions . You can get your copy by making a generous donation of any amount to Crown this month. Visit