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Aligning Your Family Finances with God

Are your finances a mess? How about your marriage? You’re not alone!

Many marriages are in trouble today – even Christian ones.

They’ve been wrecked by a materialistic view of finances….the desire for more, bigger, better, faster, and newer keeps us discontent, ungrateful and broke!  

Jesus warned us of this danger in the Gospel of Luke. “WATCH OUT!” he said.“Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”

We are so tempted to conform our financial choices to look like the world’s.  It makes us feel like we “fit in” when we have all the popular brands. But we have to remember that this is not our home. We have to look first to the Lord, and his peace for our finances and marriage, not to man.

Your marriage needs to look different from those that don’t know God. He desires that we trust in His faithfulness to provide for our needs as we sacrificially serve the needs of others. When couples align their hearts in this manner, their own prosperity is entrusted to God’s care.

To be free of materialism we must learn to be content, grateful for what we do have and learn to control our spending… Complacency, laziness, or an unwillingness to work lead to worry and stress….this should never describe Christians.

True Contentment will lead to peace, unity, and fulfillment – both financially and spiritually.

If you struggle, remember that, “You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.”

My wife and I recently wrote a book together, in hopes of helping other couples find unity in their finances and marriages. this month, you can receive a copy of our book – Money Problems, Marriage Solutions – for a generous donation of any amount to Crown Financial Ministries. Claim your copy at