What Do You Believe About Money?
What do you believe about money? Did you know it affects your marriage, your friendships, and even your future?
Thomas Cranmer, said “What the heart loves, the mind chooses and the will justifies.” Our use of money reveals what we actually love.
Maybe you’ve never thought about what you believe about money before, but you certainly have beliefs about it. This is your financial philosophy, whether you consciously think about it or not.
And, it’s possible that your marriage is suffering because you and your spouse don’t share the same one.
Couples fight over their finances because they think they’ve united their hearts, but they haven’t united their finances with Scripture.They have different money philosophies, so they disagree on how to spend, save, give. Not to mention the added pressures of how our culture tells us to spend our money.
So how does a couple create a money philosophy together? One that they both agree on?
It requires rejecting the world’s bad philosophies of money. As Paul told the Colossians, “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “Earthly goods are given to be used, not to be collected…hoarding is idolatry.”
Here’s an example of a money philosophy some of our friends came up with:
“Debt is bad, savings is good, giving is fun, stuff is meaningless.”
I challenge you to formulate your own statements to create unity in your marriage around finances. It’ll require you and your spouse to look to Scripture together.
Ann and I have ours. Email yours to me at chuck@crown.org and maybe I’ll devote a day to our listeners’ Biblically based money philosophies!
And if you want more help, I want to encourage you to get a copy of Money Problems, Marriage Solutions. My wife and I recently wrote this book together to try and help couples who find themselves where we found ourselves for 21 years of our marriage – frustrated and disunified. The book goes into more depth on how to create a philosophy that honors your spouse AND God. Receive your copy by making a donation of any amount to Crown Financial Ministries this month! Go to crown.org/marriagebook