Have you ever felt like a failure? Most of us have experienced that sickening feeling when you realize you’ve missed the mark, made a huge mistake, or gone just a little too far. No wonder fearing failure affects so many of us.
Failure can be an extremely difficult pill to swallow. While it can be viewed as a learning experience, we can become so stricken by a fear of failure that it prevents us from doing things that could potentially have positive outcomes. Sometimes we get so caught up in dwelling on our mistakes that we lose perspective on our past successes and potential future success.
But, God isn’t surprised by our mistakes. In fact, 2 Corinthians 12 tells us that in our weaknesses and mess-ups, He’s made even greater. So don’t give up.
So, what do you do to get over failure?
Repentance is part of learning from your mistakes. Come humbly before God to confess your failures and surrender your future. He’s slow to anger and abounding in love – God can always redeem your mistakes for His purpose. Think about King David; he committed grievous sins, but the Psalms are filled with his praise of the Lord and heartfelt repentance. If you have this attitude, you may be able to avoid messing up in the first place! Psalm 37 tells us, “Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you.”
Letting certain failures consume your thoughts can prevent you from moving on and making yourself available for future successes. As humans, we are prone to protect our pride, and failure is one major thing that can hurt this. We must take on an attitude of humility and admit that we are not always going to be right. Once we realize this and accept the fact that life is always going to be filled with both successes and failures, it can become a little easier to overcome the fear of failure and ultimately continue on with life.
If you’re making short- or long-term goals, pray about them and commit them to the Lord. Proverbs 16:19 says, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.”
No matter what your failure is, it’s never so bad that God can’t redeem it.
Ask Him to reveal what He wants you to achieve. Trust in His promises and resist the urge to compare yourself to others.
Abide in Him and He will give you the desires of your heart. As John 15 tells us, if we abide in Him, our desires will align with God’s. And when you follow God’s plan you will be successful.
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