By Chuck Bentley
Strongholds are false beliefs and bad philosophies. These happen frequently when it comes to money.
One financial stronghold that is hard to identify in ourselves yet is such a powerful negative influence in our lives is selfishness.
Selfishness is living with an attitude and view of the world that everything must work in my favor and to my advantage or it must not work at all!
We meet Nabal in I Samuel 25. His name means Fool. That is because he was captive to the stronghold of selfishness. He had plenty of resources but was unwilling to share a single bite of food with David and his men when they were starving! This was even after they had been very helpful to Nabal. His fate was sealed by his selfishness and he lost everything, including his life.
Let’s get practical. Selfishness is when we are unwilling to share or give of our money, our time or even our love. We are living for me, myself and I. This is a dangerous stronghold because it is very hard to admit that we are selfish. We see it in others but are blind to our own fault. That is why we stay locked in it for years. Selfishness can only be overcome when you obey God and become generous without expectation of what you will receive in return. Give of your time, of your money and of your influence! Don’t be a Fool – Nabal. Give!
Originally posted 8/25/15. Click here for part 3.
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