Dear Chuck,
One step forward and two steps back seems to be the story that describes all my efforts to achieve any financial goals. No matter how hard I try, discouragement overtakes me, and I am back to square one with too much debt, too little savings, and not enough motivation to keep trying!
Discouraged and Done
Dear Discouraged and Done,
I can’t tell you how glad I am that you somehow found us to turn to in the midst of your pain. Do you want to know why? I have been there too! Yes, I know what it is like to have past-due bills, overdraft charges, collection notices, and more days in the month than money. I once lived with the frustration of being stuck in financial molasses. I also know the joy of finally getting out from under the cycle of one step forward and two steps back!
The secret is to pick yourself up, shake off the dust, and keep trying. The Bible calls this key—yet overlooked—virtue, diligence.
“The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor.”
(Proverbs 12:24 ESV)
Diligence is a constant, earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken. It is the persistent exertion of body or mind and the constant performance of duty or the conduct of business.
Another way to think of it is to imagine the behavior of our cat, Ash. He doesn’t like to be put outside—at all! As soon as we put Ash on the back porch, he begins to scratch on the sliding glass door as if his life depends on getting back in! He only stops this exhausting work long enough to catch his breath before he is back at it! If it were possible for 100,000 strokes of his paws to cut through glass, I think Ash would be near that total within an hour!
God’s Word on Diligence
Results come from immersing ourselves in whatever we want to learn or improve in our lives. Larry Burkett, Crown’s founder, always shared that God’s principles were given for our good. Consider what the Bible teaches us about diligence.
King Solomon:
Others’ Words on Diligence
Diligence Is a Virtue
Diligence, one of the seven virtues, is a means of developing godliness which leads us to delight in God and grow in the likeness of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Diligent behavior affects all areas of our lives. It prevents frustration and leads to satisfaction.
Check Out Free Resources
Benjamin Franklin said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” I invite you to learn to be diligent in stewarding the resources God has given you. Visit for lots of free resources to get started today. Once I realized I was diligently doing the wrong things, I applied my energy to achieving financial goals in God’s way. And like my cat, Ash, I kept after it! Years later, I have days that seem like two steps forward and one step back, but I have the joy of knowing that God has given us more than we could ever dream or imagine in the true riches He promises those who are faithful. Don’t give up. He is there for you!
One way to make great strides in your financial health is to diligently pay off credit card debt. Christian Credit Counselors is a trusted source of support. They specialize in assisting people with getting on the road to financial freedom.
This article was originally published at The Christian Post on February 17, 2023
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