Episode 17:
Chuck Bentley - (Trends That Threaten Our Financial Future)
Crown Stewardship Podcast
Chuck Bentley - Trends That Threaten Our Financial Future
About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, we kick-off the first episode in our new mini-series on macro-economic trends called Gray Swans. Chuck Bentley examines this idea in his upcoming book, 7 Gray Swans: Trends that Threaten Our Financial Future. The term Gray Swan is used to describe a potentially very significant event, which if were to occur, could make a huge impact to the world, economy, and stock market. In this episode, Chuck talks about three of the Gray Swans he has identified: Modern Monetary Theory, Universal Basic Income and American Democratic Socialism.
Podcast Highlights:
- Is Modern Monetary Theory a sustainable economic system? Chuck explains how when the confidence of a currency collapses, so does the value.
- Universal Basic Income may sound like a compassionate solution, but you’ll hear the case that the government should not take the place of a Christian’s role toward charity.
- American Democratic Socialism is a worldview - you’ll learn how it compares to a Biblical worldview.
About our Guest:
Chuck Bentley serves as CEO of Crown Financial Ministries and is the Founder and Executive Director of the Christian Economic Forum. Chuck has authored several books on biblical finance, marriage, and family and travels the globe teaching with a relentless passion biblical financial principles to stewards from all walks of life including the affluent, middle class, poor, and ultra poor. He and his wife Ann are both graduates of Baylor University. They have four adult sons, two daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren and live in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.