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Episode 44: Economic Evidence for God? With Chuck Bentley

by Crown Financial April 13, 2022

Episode 44: Economic Evidence for God? With Chuck Bentley

Crown Stewardship Podcast

Episode 44: Economic Evidence for God? With Chuck Bentley

About this episode:
This week on the Crown Stewardship Podcast, Grant Webster and Chuck Bentley discuss Chuck’s new book “Economic Evidence for God?”. Chuck introduces the main themes of the book and the evidential impact of God’s principles on economies around the world. This episode will open your eyes to evidence of God in ways you may have never previously considered! You do not want to miss this fascinating and enlightening episode.

Podcast Highlights:

  •  The benefits and downsides of freedom in the economy - and how we are called to respond to economic freedom.
  • Chuck connects the economic differentials in regions that honor God’s principles, and the consequences of regions that do not.
  • How Biblical principles used in predominantly non-Christian countries, like China, can transform economies.
  • Abundance vs. Scarcity mentality and the economic impacts of both.

About Economic Evidence for God?

In Economic Evidence for God?, Chuck Bentley, CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, examines the evidence. The use of economic thought and data as an apologetic may at first strike you as dry as a two-day-old toast. Still, as you press into the evidence, it will become more and more exciting as you begin to see the world and even your own economic activity through an entirely new perspective. Money―and our personal and collective use of it―can be examined to reveal our faith, or lack thereof, and God’s ever-present reality in our affairs. Our beliefs about God are a primary driver of culture, and that culture is a primary factor in the economy.


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