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Ask Chuck: Implementing a Crisis Budget
by Chuck Bentley | April 10, 2020
Dear Chuck, Our income has fallen dramatically since sheltering at home. We need help to work our way through...
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Money-Saving Tips for the COVID-19 Pandemic from your Crown Staff
by Megan Buerkle | April 1, 2020
The Crown team makes it a priority to “practice what we preach”. During this pandemic, as we recommend to...
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Ask Chuck: Will the Coronavirus Impact My Finances?
by Chuck Bentley | March 6, 2020
Dear Chuck,  We’re going through basic procedures at work in the event of a coronavirus pandemic. I’m afraid of...
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Ask Chuck: What Should I Do With My Christmas Bonus?
by Chuck Bentley | December 20, 2019
Dear Chuck, I expect a decent year-end bonus and am trying to decide how best to use it. I...
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What the Bible Says About Saving
12 Secrets to True Wealth
by Crown Financial | December 11, 2019
Crown CEO Chuck Bentley Shares the 12 Secrets to True Wealth Learn the 12 Secrets to True Wealth! Chuck...
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Ask Chuck: Financing Fixer Upper Fever
by Chuck Bentley | November 15, 2019
Dear Chuck, I need your advice. My husband thinks we should get an installment loan to update our home....
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Ask Chuck: When Should I Buy a New Car?
by Chuck Bentley | November 8, 2019
Dear Chuck,  I want to replace my mother’s clunker and am considering financing a new one. My father died...
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Ask Chuck: How to Give and Save on a Budget
by Chuck Bentley | October 18, 2019
Dear Chuck, Giving is a problem for me. I’m playing catch-up for retirement and fear that giving will prevent...
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Ask Chuck: The Secret to a Secure Future
by Chuck Bentley | September 27, 2019
Dear Chuck,  I am burdened with the terrible things I hear in the news. I’ve become anxious and wake...
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Ask Chuck: New Car Before Baby?
by Chuck Bentley | July 12, 2019
Dear Chuck, My husband and I drive older, paid-for cars. His is 11 years old and mine is 9....
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