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Why You Should Keep Your Car Tank Half Full… All the Time
by Chuck Bentley | March 2, 2017
Alan Marcus, in an article at, recommends keeping your tank at least half full at all times. First...
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5 Financial Tips for Newlyweds
by Chuck Bentley | February 28, 2017
My wife, Ann, and I got married at Christmas our senior year in college. This year we will celebrate...
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8 Tips for an Affordable Wedding
by Chuck Bentley | February 27, 2017
Weddings are expensive! With the average cost of a wedding at $26,645, I am very thankful to have 4 boys!...
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3 Surprising Steps to Getting Out of Debt
by Chuck Bentley | February 24, 2017
Originally posted on the Christian Post on February 24.   Dear Chuck, Credit cards are killing me, and it...
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5 Inexpensive (or FREE!) Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day
by Chuck Bentley | February 14, 2017
Dear Chuck, With Valentine’s Day approaching, I wonder if it’s really necessary to spend a lot of money on...
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Can You Pay for Unexpected Expenses Without Debt?
by Chuck Bentley | February 7, 2017
Jill Cornfield at says the most common surprise expenses are related to vehicles, appliances, home-repairs, injury or illness....
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5 Things That Are Killing Your Budget
by Chuck Bentley | February 6, 2017
Allison Martin at reports that it’s the small expenses that add up to blow a budget and ruin...
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Church vs. Credit Cards
by Chuck Bentley | February 3, 2017
Originally posted on the Christian Post on February 3.   Dear Chuck, I need some help. I am a...
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Can You Afford Your Kids?
by Chuck Bentley | February 3, 2017
Originally posted on the Christian Post on January 27. Dear Chuck, My husband and I are talking about starting...
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6 Christmas Budget Busters
by Chuck Bentley | February 2, 2017
The most common traps to overspending at the holidays and tips on how you can avoid them Christmas shopping...
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