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4 Steps to Nail Your Next Job Interview
by Chuck Bentley | September 16, 2016
Originally posted on the Christian Post on September 16. Dear Chuck,  With great jobs so scarce, I get nervous going...
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3 Ways to Recover From Mistakes at Work
by Chuck Bentley | July 8, 2016
Originally posted at Christian Post July 08, 2016. Dear Chuck,  I’m embarrassed to say that I really messed up at work....
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5 Things Jesus Wants to See On Your Resume
by Chuck Bentley | June 10, 2016
Dear Chuck, For so many of us looking for work, the first step always seems to be to get...
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3 Tips to Make Your Expensive College Education Count
by Chuck Bentley | May 27, 2016
Originally posted at Christian Post May 27, 2016. Dear Chuck, With kids in college, I’m very worried about whether they can...
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2 Tips if You Are Living on a Financial Cliff
by Chuck Bentley | September 29, 2015
I once heard poverty described as living on the edge of a financial cliff, not knowing from day to...
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Work vs Welfare – Which Pays More?
by Chuck Bentley | September 28, 2015
I came across a fascinating article called When Work is Punished: The Ongoing Tragedy of America’s Welfare State.  Essentially,...
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Retire By Age 30?
by Chuck Bentley | September 2, 2015
Yahoo Finance recently carried a story of a young couple that was able to retire by age 30. After...
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Researchers say they have cracked the code to happiness
by Chuck Bentley | June 23, 2015
By Chuck Bentley There was some irony in a certain news story out of CBS New York. After decades of...
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Are you achieving your full career potential?
by Chuck Bentley | June 8, 2015
By Chuck Bentley I read a fascinating study by Professor Tony Wagner of the Harvard Graduate School of Education...
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How do you define success?
by Chuck Bentley | June 4, 2015
By Chuck Bentley One of the greatest mistakes we humans make is to define success based upon what we...
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