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10 Ideas to Save Money and Live Better
by Chuck Bentley | August 4, 2016
Kendal Perez at U.S. News & World Report, reported that the average American household has more than $130,000 in...
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Do You Have an Offensive or Defensive Financial Strategy?
by Chuck Bentley | June 7, 2016
Now the correct answer is that it is important that you have BOTH. But you may be thinking you...
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5 Tips for Staying Safe on Craigslist
by Chuck Bentley | April 29, 2016
Originally posted at Christian Post April 29, 2016. Dear Chuck, I’m a little afraid of selling things on the Internet. This...
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by taylor.castillo | March 30, 2016
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard...
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by taylor.castillo | March 30, 2016
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by taylor.castillo | March 30, 2016
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Are You Worried About Outliving Your Retirement Savings?
by Arielle Vogel | February 22, 2016
If you’re worried, you are not alone. Maurie Backman with the Motley Fool says retirement tops the list of...
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How Much Should You Save?
by Chuck Bentley | October 22, 2015
Americans are currently saving an average of 4 percent of their annual income. This is the lowest savings rate...
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3 Tips for Saving
by Chuck Bentley | October 13, 2015
The average personal savings rate for Americans has been hovering around 4.9%.  We save $5 out of very $100,...
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Paying off debt is like eating an elephant…
by Chuck Bentley | July 9, 2015
…it can only be done one bite at a time. Over the years, I have known thousands of folks...
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