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Ask Chuck: Advice for Single Moms Hurt by Inflation
by Chuck Bentley | May 20, 2022
Dear Chuck, I am a single mom with 3 children trying my best to manage my limited resources. It...
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Ask Chuck: Watch Out for Extended Warranty Rip Offs!
by Chuck Bentley | May 13, 2022
Dear Chuck, I bought a car a few years ago from a dealership. It came with a limited one-year...
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Ask Chuck: Is My Currency Worth Anything?
by Chuck Bentley | May 6, 2022
Dear Chuck, Do you, as an expert on money matters, know what I should do with all the foreign...
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Ask Chuck: Are We Going Totally Cashless?
by Chuck Bentley | April 29, 2022
Dear Chuck, My wife and I hardly ever use cash anymore. Do you think we are going to be...
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Ask Chuck: Help with A Family Moocher
by Chuck Bentley | April 22, 2022
Dear Chuck, Our 28-year-old niece moved in with our family several years ago. At the time, we thought it...
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Ask Chuck: Donating Cryptocurrency?
by Chuck Bentley | April 15, 2022
Dear Chuck, We invested in some cryptocurrency a few years back. It has appreciated nicely. We want to give...
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Ask Chuck: Fasting for Financial Breakthrough
by Chuck Bentley | April 8, 2022
Dear Chuck, I am seriously worried about our finances. We are struggling to keep up, even with two incomes....
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Ask Chuck: Should I Retire with a Mortgage?
by Chuck Bentley | April 1, 2022
Dear Chuck, Is it wrong to carry a mortgage in retirement? We are both preparing to retire but have...
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Ask Chuck: Should We Move South?
by Chuck Bentley | March 25, 2022
Dear Chuck, Many of our friends are moving to the South. We are reluctant to leave our family, but...
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Ask Chuck: Beware of Bidding Above Asking Price for a Home
by Chuck Bentley | March 18, 2022
Dear Chuck, We’re trying to buy a house, and our realtor suggests we sign an “Appraisal GAP” clause in...
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