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Ask Chuck: Are We Taking On Too Much National Debt?
by Chuck Bentley | April 24, 2020
Dear Chuck, I just don’t understand how America can implement another massive bailout/stimulus without some long-term consequences. Aren’t we...
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An open letter to churches and ministry leaders: Pause before you take taxpayer funds
by Chuck Bentley | April 3, 2020
On Monday, I learned that thousands of pastors and ministry leaders around the United States were on Zoom calls...
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Ask Chuck: Everything You Need to Know About Liquidity
by Chuck Bentley | April 3, 2020
Dear Chuck, Help me understand the principle of liquidity. What do I need to do to be more “liquid”...
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Ask Chuck: Practical Advice During the COVID-19 Crisis
by Chuck Bentley | March 27, 2020
Dear Chuck, Many of the young people in my Bible Study are frightened of the Coronavirus and the threat to...
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Ask Chuck: Is there Hope for this Economic Crisis?
by Chuck Bentley | March 20, 2020
Dear Chuck, Is the sky falling? I have never seen so much panic around a virus in my life!...
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Ask Chuck: Do I Have Enough Life Insurance?
by Chuck Bentley | March 13, 2020
Dear Chuck, With the coronavirus panic everyone seems to be focused on stocking up on face masks,  hand sanitizer...
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Ask Chuck: What Can We Learn from Davos?
by Chuck Bentley | February 7, 2020
Dear Chuck, I have a jaundiced eye about the World Economic Forum’s view of the world. What are the...
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Ask Chuck: 3 Ways to Sell Your Home and Build a New One
by Chuck Bentley | January 31, 2020
Dear Chuck, My wife and I want to sell our home (no debt or mortgage) and buy a piece...
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Ask Chuck: Will Social Security Go Broke?
by Chuck Bentley | December 6, 2019
Dear Chuck, I’m a recent college graduate with my first “real” job. With that comes paying into the Social...
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Ask Chuck: 4 Steps to Prepare for a Recession
by Chuck Bentley | November 1, 2019
Dear Chuck, I keep reading about experts predicting that a recession is coming. What do you think? Although I...
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