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Young Adults and Life Insurance
by Chuck Bentley | June 3, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Fewer than 20 percent of millennials say they’re likely to buy life insurance, according to a...
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A Tip for Saving Money on Food
by Chuck Bentley | May 26, 2015
By Chuck Bentley I recently read an article about a cooking co-op. Here is how it works, according to...
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Make sure you aren’t over-paying in rent
by Chuck Bentley | May 19, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Recent Census data revealed that more than one in four U.S. renters have to use at...
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Privacy on your mobile phone
by Chuck Bentley | April 22, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Clark Howard recently shared some helpful information about how to protect your personal information if you...
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Singapore’s Saving System
by Chuck Bentley | April 16, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Forbes Magazine columnist John Goodman had a lot of high praise for the nation of Singapore’s...
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Saving Money on Life Insurance
by Chuck Bentley | April 8, 2015
By Chuck Bentley I think life insurance is a great idea and it is especially important for families to...
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47% of Americans save zero.
by Chuck Bentley | April 7, 2015
By Chuck Bentley A recent article in Business Insider headlined this news: Nearly half of all Americans save nothing. That...
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a good money story
by Chuck Bentley | April 2, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Yahoo Parents featured the story of an immigrant couple that moved to the US from the...
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Payday Loan ATMs
by Chuck Bentley | March 12, 2015
By Chuck Bentley A bright orange ATM is popping up around Moscow, Russia at railway stations and shopping malls....
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Scam Alert
by Chuck Bentley | February 26, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Anthem, a major health insurance company, warned consumers recently to be aware of scam email campaigns...
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