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Are you losing sleep because of money?
by Chuck Bentley | July 13, 2015
By Chuck Bentley If you lie awake at night worrying about money, you’re not alone. According to a report...
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Paying off debt is like eating an elephant…
by Chuck Bentley | July 9, 2015
…it can only be done one bite at a time. Over the years, I have known thousands of folks...
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Is your car driving you to the poor house?
by Chuck Bentley | June 25, 2015
By Chuck Bentley According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal called How Rich and Poor Spend...
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Have you ever examined your financial motives?
by Chuck Bentley | June 25, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Many people make daily decisions for earning, spending, saving, investing, borrowing, and even giving money without...
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settling past due credit accounts
by Chuck Bentley | May 27, 2015
By Chuck Bentley If you have one or more credit accounts that you are struggling to pay on time,...
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Don’t exchange your Cap and Gown for a Financial Ball and Chain
by Chuck Bentley | May 15, 2015
By Chuck Bentley “Graduates across the country need to make plans to avoid a debt that may never go...
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Carrying a Credit Card Balance Will Cost You.
by Chuck Bentley | April 14, 2015
By Chuck Bentley If you were to take the family out for dinner tonight, and after enjoying your food...
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From Drowning in Debt to Walking in Freedom
by Chuck Bentley | March 19, 2015
I will never forget Russ and Kandy Hildebrandt’s story. I first saw it on national news and was later...
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Are you spending too much money?
by Chuck Bentley | March 16, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Are you spending too much money? According to an article in, here are 10 signs you’re...
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Payday Loan ATMs
by Chuck Bentley | March 12, 2015
By Chuck Bentley A bright orange ATM is popping up around Moscow, Russia at railway stations and shopping malls....
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