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3 Little Things That Are Wrecking Your Budget
3 Little Things That Are Wrecking Your Budget
by Arielle Vogel | November 6, 2017
Benjamin Franklin said, “Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.” Does this describe your...
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6 car tips to save you money
6 Car Tips to Save You Money
by Chuck Bentley | October 31, 2017
Did you know that roughly 43% of the entire adult American population has a car loan? That’s about 107...
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Ask Chuck: Christmas shopping on a budget
Ask Chuck: Christmas Shopping on a Budget
by Chuck Bentley | October 27, 2017
Dear Chuck, Christmas is right around the corner, and I’m having a little bit of trouble shopping for Christmas...
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so you think you're going to get married
So You Think You’re Going to…Get Married
by Chuck Bentley | October 23, 2017
Marriage was designed by God to bring abundant blessing into our lives as we work together in unity as...
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getting on the same page about budgeting
Love, Money, and Budgeting – How You and Your Spouse Can Get on the Same Page
by Chuck Bentley | October 17, 2017
Money is often cited as the greatest area of frustration, fighting, stress, and unhappiness in marriage. One spouse wants...
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Ask Chuck: Aaron Rodgers vs Apostle Paul - Is Fantasy Football Wrong for Christians?
Ask Chuck: Aaron Rodgers vs Apostle Paul – Is Fantasy Football Wrong for Christians?
by Chuck Bentley | October 6, 2017
Dear Chuck, Is fantasy football gambling? My oldest sons (14 and 17) and husband are really into it and...
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why understanding your money philosophy could save your marriage
Why Understanding Your Money Philosophy Could Save Your Marriage
by Chuck Bentley | October 2, 2017
Ask someone about their financial problems, and you’ll likely hear a list of issues: “I’m not sure I’ll ever...
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Ask Chuck: 7 Steps to Recover From a Disaster
by Chuck Bentley | September 29, 2017
  Dear Chuck, My sister’s home in Houston was seriously flooded during Hurricane Harvey. She and her family are...
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4 Ways to Launch Your Child’s Future
by Robert Dickie III | September 18, 2017
“Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” You’ve probably heard this at some point in your...
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Ask Chuck: Are Vacations Biblical?
by Chuck Bentley | September 15, 2017
Dear Chuck, I enjoy downtime from work. Going to nice places helps me to recharge and create family memories....
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