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5 Key Questions for Family Caregivers
by Chuck Bentley | March 8, 2017
In a recent article by Kelli B. Grant at CNBC, an estimated 43.5 million American adults work as unpaid caregivers;...
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4 Basic Moves for a Booming Stock Market
by Chuck Bentley | March 3, 2017
Originally posted on the Christian Post on March 3 Dear Chuck, Every time I turn on the news, I hear...
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Are You Confused About Retirement Accounts and Investments?
by Chuck Bentley | November 8, 2016
Christine wrote me with this question: I have worked several different jobs. I have retirement money affiliated with each...
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What All Elected Officials Need to do AFTER the Election
by Chuck Bentley | November 4, 2016
Originally posted on the Christian Post on November 4th.   Dear Chuck, With just days to go until the election...
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Good Advice on Planning for Retirement
by Chuck Bentley | October 19, 2016
Are you thinking about and planning your retirement? Here is some helpful advice from David McAlvany, President of McAlvany...
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Annuities 101
by Chuck Bentley | August 15, 2016
If you are 66 years old and someone offered to sell you an annuity with these terms: For $260,000,...
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5 Ways to Become a Better Investor
by Chuck Bentley | August 11, 2016
Matt Bell, a friend and financial author has written an excellent article called The Essentials of Investing on his...
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by taylor.castillo | March 30, 2016
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Are You Worried About Outliving Your Retirement Savings?
by Arielle Vogel | February 22, 2016
If you’re worried, you are not alone. Maurie Backman with the Motley Fool says retirement tops the list of...
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Investing: Apple Orchard vs Apple, Inc.
by Chuck Bentley | October 12, 2015
A friend recently sent me an article where the author gave this challenge – What is a better investment,...
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