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Is it better to give more or save more?
by Chuck Bentley | December 1, 2016
I did some checking online looking for a study on this dilemma many Christians face. So far, I have...
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Are You Worried You’ll Outlive Your Retirement Savings?
by Chuck Bentley | November 30, 2016
According to a new survey, “People who earn more than $75,000 have a greater fear that they’ll run...
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5 Ways to Remember the Reason for the Season
by Chuck Bentley | November 25, 2016
Dear Chuck, I cannot believe that it’s Thanksgiving week and Christmas is coming in weeks. Most of the time,...
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Black Friday Survival Guide
by Chuck Bentley | November 21, 2016
10 Ways to Avoid Overspending on the Biggest Shopping Day of the Year According to the Balance, 133.7 million...
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5 Tips if Your Children’s Activities are Wrecking Your Finances
by Chuck Bentley | November 11, 2016
Dear Chuck, My wife and I are struggling with the costs of our children’s extracurricular activities, which seem to...
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The Connection Between Shopping and Emotions
by Chuck Bentley | November 7, 2016
According to Heather Gilmore, a writer for The Dollar, “emotions can lead to the desire to shop or, on...
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12 Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle
by Chuck Bentley | November 3, 2016
With medical expenses being the number one cause of financial hardships, it pays to work at staying healthy. Here...
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How Cash Can Save You Money
by Chuck Bentley | November 2, 2016
Yahoo Finance recently reported that paying with cash helps you save and gives you more joy. Avni Sha, a...
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8 budget hacks
8 Budget Hacks to Help You Save
by Chuck Bentley | October 28, 2016
Dear Chuck, I’ve seen that you really encourage people to save $1,000 that they don’t touch at all except...
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Good Advice on Planning for Retirement
by Chuck Bentley | October 19, 2016
Are you thinking about and planning your retirement? Here is some helpful advice from David McAlvany, President of McAlvany...
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