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Do You Have an Offensive or Defensive Financial Strategy?
by Chuck Bentley | June 7, 2016
Now the correct answer is that it is important that you have BOTH. But you may be thinking you...
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is graduating from college debt free even possible
Is Graduating from College Debt-Free Even Possible?
by Chuck Bentley | June 3, 2016
Dear Chuck, My husband and I are more concerned every day about how we are going to help our...
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Can You Afford to Let Your Teenager Get Their Driver’s License?
by Chuck Bentley | June 1, 2016
Ann and I have 4 boys. Three have passed the monumental age of 16 without getting their coveted driver’s...
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4 Better Ways to Use Your Tax Refund
by Chuck Bentley | April 16, 2016
Dear Chuck, Procrastinators Unite! This weekend, my husband and I will be crashing on our tax returns, due Monday,...
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6 Basic Financial Moves Everyone Can Make
by Chuck Bentley | October 28, 2015
I am often asked to share basic financial moves. Here are my top six: 1. Make giving to the...
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3 Reasons I Never Buy Extended Warranties
by Chuck Bentley | October 27, 2015
I was with a friend from church who was buying some musical equipment for his children. When he got...
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How Much Should You Save?
by Chuck Bentley | October 22, 2015
Americans are currently saving an average of 4 percent of their annual income. This is the lowest savings rate...
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6 Ways to be a Good Steward
by Chuck Bentley | October 21, 2015
The Bible makes it clear that the standard for good stewardship is that we are to be both faithful...
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Are You Paying to Have a Checking Account?
by Chuck Bentley | October 21, 2015
According to the percentage of banks offering free checking with no strings attached fell to 37 percent in 2015. A...
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2 Tips if You Are Living on a Financial Cliff
by Chuck Bentley | September 29, 2015
I once heard poverty described as living on the edge of a financial cliff, not knowing from day to...
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