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The Financial Message of the Ministry
by Crown Team | January 25, 2012
Although it is each individual’s responsibility to learn God’s principles of finance as presented in the Word of God,...
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Turning a Financially Troubled Church Around
by Crown Team | December 6, 2011
Even though there are more churches than ever before in the history of America facing financial problems, there is...
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Determining and funding the church budget
by Crown Team | November 6, 2011
Every church should establish and operate on a budget. Not only is it a useful management tool, but a...
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Finding financial counsel
by Crown Team | October 26, 2011
A commonly asked question from Christians seeking advice on financial matters is, “How can I find good Christian counsel?”...
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Identifying the moneychangers
by Crown Team | August 19, 2011
Matthew 21:12 describes an event when Christ drove the moneychangers out of the Jewish Temple of worship in Jerusalem....
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Foreclosures and repossessions
by Crown Team | August 5, 2011
Consumer debt is at an all-time high. What’s more, record numbers of consumers are filing for bankruptcy. Sometimes when...
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What Ministers Should Teach
by Crown Team | February 9, 2011
Most Christians in America receive the majority of their spiritual teaching from their pastors and spiritual leaders in their...
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Every Spending Decision Is An Investing Decision
by Guest Contributor | January 2, 2011
by Austin Pryor for Sound Mind Investing We all would like great health and physical fitness, but only people...
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Financial Accountability in Church Administration
by Crown Team | January 2, 2011
The American public generally has high expectations of religious organizations and churches. For the most part, donors and attendees...
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