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Ask Chuck: How Should I Spend My Large Inheritance?
by Chuck Bentley | November 29, 2019
Dear Chuck, I inherited a significant amount of money this year. Although I am very grateful, I’m feeling the...
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Ask Chuck: Should I Tithe on My Retirement Accounts?
by Chuck Bentley | October 25, 2019
Dear Chuck, I’ve been socking away money in a 401(k) account for years. I’ve tried to live like the...
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Ask Chuck: Joyful Giving
by Chuck Bentley | June 21, 2019
Dear Chuck, My wife and I have decided to give regularly. She’s thrilled, I’m not. If God loves a...
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Ask Chuck Thanksgiving
Ask Chuck: Thankful for Thanksgiving
by Chuck Bentley | November 23, 2018
Dear Chuck, I want to make the spirit of Thanksgiving last the entire year. But it seems like we...
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Ask Chuck How Much Should We Tithe
Ask Chuck: How Much Should We Tithe?
by Chuck Bentley | October 5, 2018
Dear Chuck, My wife and I do not agree on giving. In fact, we’ve had a few heated arguments...
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Ask Chuck: What Are the Characteristics of a Good Steward?
by Chuck Bentley | July 20, 2018
Dear Chuck, I hear you talk about stewardship a lot, and I’ve been trying to be more faithful with...
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The Power of Humble Generosity
Ask Chuck: The Power of Humble Generosity
by Chuck Bentley | June 1, 2018
Hello Chuck, I love hearing stories of working class people who lived modestly but silently saved and invested over...
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ask chuck stewarding earth and my money
Ask Chuck: How Do I Steward the Earth and My Money?
by Chuck Bentley | May 25, 2018
Dear Chuck, I try to be responsible to recycle, use a non-plastic water bottle, and do all the “right...
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what does the bible say about giving
What Does the Bible Say About Giving? 6 Lessons From The Old Testament
by Chuck Bentley | May 1, 2018
Being generous is about more than just giving money away. The Bible has a lot to say about giving...
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Ask Chuck: Should I Give or Get Out of Debt?
Ask Chuck: Should I Give or Get Out of Debt?
by Chuck Bentley | April 20, 2018
Dear Chuck, When should we begin tithing? We are currently in ‘the red’ each month, relying on credit cards...
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