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7 Rules for True Riches
by Chuck Bentley | February 12, 2018
Most of the financial principles I live by I learned because I was doing it all wrong. For the...
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Ask Chuck: Is Amazon Go a “No” For My Wallet?
by Chuck Bentley | February 9, 2018
Dear Chuck, I saw that Amazon just opened its first grocery store. The store has all kinds of technological...
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Why Hard Work is Severely Overrated
by Robert Dickie III | February 6, 2018
Hard work matters, in fact it’s biblical, but it’s not the only factor in your success. In fact, I’d...
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The Antidote to the Comparison Trap
by Arielle Vogel | February 5, 2018
We’ve probably all been there. Scrolling through Pinterest, inspired by all the “simple” home renovation projects, colorful meal prep...
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Ask Chuck: Creative Ways to Increase Income
by Chuck Bentley | February 2, 2018
Dear Chuck, My wife and I really want 2018 to be the year we get our finances in order...
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When Making $100K a Year Doesn’t Feel Like “Upper-Middle Class”
by Arielle Vogel | January 31, 2018
The median household income in America is about $59,000. This would suggest that making above $59,000 would offer you...
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How to Become a Life-Long Learner
by Robert Dickie III | January 30, 2018
Last week, I talked about the importance of continual learning and self-education. Not only does it benefit your career,...
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What Your Debt is Really Costing You (And How to Get Out)
by Arielle Vogel | January 29, 2018
It’s been said that paying off debt is like eating an elephant – it can only be done one...
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Ask Chuck: Stewarding Your Health and Finances
by Chuck Bentley | January 26, 2018
Dear Chuck, I’m 60 and starting to realize that what my Dad used to say to me is actually...
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The #1 Debt-Payoff Tool
by Chuck Bentley | January 24, 2018
God’s word encourages us to live debt-free lives – Romans 13:8 says that we should not leave any debt...
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