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Find Your Perfect Job
30-Point Game Plan to Find Your Perfect Job
by Crown Financial | December 19, 2017
For many people, the job search process is stressful and full of dread. But with a little work and...
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22 Tips for Making a Great Impression at Your New Job
22 Tips to Make a Great Impression at Your New Job
by Crown Financial | December 19, 2017
First impressions are always important, but they’re especially critical at your new job. The following are simple, but impactful,...
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Is It Selfish To Leave A "Good" Job For Something Else?
Is It Selfish To Leave A “Good” Job For Something Else?
by Robert Dickie III | December 4, 2017
People leave jobs for one reason: better opportunities. Those might come in different forms, depending on your priorities. For...
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Is a Flexible Work Environment Right For You?
by Robert Dickie III | November 28, 2017
The gig economy in the U.S. is big and getting bigger. Freelance workers comprise 34% of the workforce, and...
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How to Play Offense With Your Career & Create Your Best Chance for Financial Success
How to Play Offense With Your Career & Create Your Best Chance for Financial Success
by Robert Dickie III | November 22, 2017
Ever since the Great Recession, Americans have clamored to improve their financial educations. As the economy crumbled, people realized...
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9 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Starting My First Job After College
9 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Starting My First Job After College
by Robert Dickie III | November 15, 2017
Most people don’t know this about me, but I majored in history as an undergraduate. Like many college students,...
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emotional intelligence
Why Your EQ May Be More Important Than Your IQ
by Crown Team | November 7, 2017
It’s been said that a high IQ can get you a job, but a low EQ can get you...
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It’s Never Too Late to Make a Career Change
It’s Never Too Late to Make a Career Change
by Robert Dickie III | November 1, 2017
Making a career change is challenging at any age, but it can seem especially daunting if you’re decades into...
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So you think youre going back to school
So You Think You’re Going Back to School
by Robert Dickie III | October 30, 2017
In today’s rapidly changing environment, it has becoming increasingly important to stay competitive by adding value to your company....
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Why You Can’t Measure Your Self-Worth in Dollars, Titles, or Possessions
Why You Can’t Measure Your Self-Worth in Dollars, Titles, or Possessions
by Robert Dickie III | October 24, 2017
Early in my career, a mentor told me, “You’ve got to look for the people who’ve got fruit on...
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