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Resisting Temptation
by Chuck Bentley | May 4, 2017
Paul taught Timothy that those who want to get rich fall into temptation and snares. Paul knew the heart...
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3 Steps to Trust God More
by Arielle Vogel | April 27, 2017
Many people struggle with fear, especially when it comes to their finances. Attitudes of fear and anxiety over our...
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Mike Pence’s Money-Saving Marriage Tip
by Chuck Bentley | April 14, 2017
Originally posted on the Christian Post on April 7 To learn Biblical answers to your financial questions, you can #AskChuck...
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7 Ways to Save on Baby Costs
by Chuck Bentley | April 12, 2017
There are some alarming statistics about how much it costs to raise a child from birth to adulthood. Most...
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What Kind of Gas Does Your Car Really Need?
by Chuck Bentley | April 11, 2017
Did you know Americans waste billions of dollars each year thinking they will improve fuel economy? The AAA Premium...
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8 Indicators You Should Work From Home
by Chuck Bentley | April 4, 2017
Do you dream of working from home? Dell Corporation has a company statement that reads, “Technology now allows people...
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5 Things You Need to Know About Filing Taxes
by Chuck Bentley | March 30, 2017
The good news about filing taxes is that this year they’re not due until April 18th. You get 3...
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4 Tips for Filing Your Taxes
by Chuck Bentley | March 28, 2017
According to J. Paul Getty, “If you get up early, work late, and pay your taxes, you will get...
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The Biggest Financial Regrets of Americans…And How To Avoid Them
by Chuck Bentley | March 16, 2017
Catey Hill at recently reported, “Many Americans are filled with regrets – financial regrets.” In fact, 3 out...
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5 Key Questions for Family Caregivers
by Chuck Bentley | March 8, 2017
In a recent article by Kelli B. Grant at CNBC, an estimated 43.5 million American adults work as unpaid caregivers;...
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