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Newlywed Money Tips
by Chuck Bentley | July 11, 2017
My wife, Ann, and I got married at Christmas our senior year in college. This year we will celebrate...
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What Does the Bible Say About Credit Cards?
by Arielle Vogel | July 10, 2017
The Bible contains more verses about money than it does about Heaven and Hell combined. Why? Because God created...
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Ask Chuck – Going from Two Incomes to One
by Chuck Bentley | July 7, 2017
Dear Chuck, My wife and I would like to live off my income. The plan is for her to...
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An Achiever's Guide to Job Satisfaction
An Achiever’s Guide to Job Satisfaction
by Crown Financial | July 6, 2017
Work shouldn't be draining and unfulfilling all of the time. We have developed a checklist that will help you...
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Dealing With Failure
by Chuck Bentley | July 6, 2017
Have you ever failed? I mean, really failed? You know that sickening feeling when you realize you’ve missed the...
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What Does the Bible Say About Giving and Saving?
by Chuck Bentley | July 5, 2017
In Mark 12, we meet the poor widow who gave two small coins in the temple treasury as her...
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The Key to Success: Be the Best Version of YOU!
by Robert Dickie III | July 3, 2017
You’re on your way! You’ve done all the right things to prep for a career or at least your...
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Saying “Yes” to a Budget Before Saying “I Do”
by Chuck Bentley | June 30, 2017
Dear Chuck, For years I have always managed to earn more than I spend. But, my fiancée says we...
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6 Money Myths You Need to Stop Believing
by Arielle Vogel | June 29, 2017
There are many misconceptions and myths about money. Many of them are completely untrue, but some are more untrue...
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10 Budget-Friendly Summer Activities Your Kids Will Love
by Arielle Vogel | June 28, 2017
Congratulations! You have made it through your first full week of (official) summer. For many of you, your kids have...
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