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3 Tips for Talking to Your Kids About Money
by Chuck Bentley | March 6, 2017
Many families struggle with when to let their children in on their conversations about money. Or how to approach...
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5 Financial Tips for Newlyweds
by Chuck Bentley | February 28, 2017
My wife, Ann, and I got married at Christmas our senior year in college. This year we will celebrate...
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5 Inexpensive (or FREE!) Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day
by Chuck Bentley | February 14, 2017
Dear Chuck, With Valentine’s Day approaching, I wonder if it’s really necessary to spend a lot of money on...
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Can You Afford Your Kids?
by Chuck Bentley | February 3, 2017
Originally posted on the Christian Post on January 27. Dear Chuck, My husband and I are talking about starting...
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6 Christmas Budget Busters
by Chuck Bentley | February 2, 2017
The most common traps to overspending at the holidays and tips on how you can avoid them Christmas shopping...
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4 Tips to Raise your Children to Become Financially Independent
by Chuck Bentley | February 2, 2017
Third John 1:4 says, “I have no greater joy than to see my children walking in the Truth.” Amen to...
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4 Reasons to List Your Home During the Holidays
by Chuck Bentley | December 2, 2016
Recently I shared some good reasons to buy a home at year end. Today, I want to share why...
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12 Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle
by Chuck Bentley | November 3, 2016
With medical expenses being the number one cause of financial hardships, it pays to work at staying healthy. Here...
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Crown Indigo
Is Divorce Easier for Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie?
by Chuck Bentley | October 21, 2016
Originally posted on the Christian Post on October 21. Dear Chuck, Recently several close friends to me have divorced, causing...
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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Reverse Mortgages
by Chuck Bentley | September 30, 2016
Originally posted on the Christian Post on September 30. Dear Chuck, My elderly parents are considering a reverse mortgage because...
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