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Are you jealous of what others have?
by Chuck Bentley | March 24, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Jealousy is a terrible thing. In fact, it reaps devastation on others and ourselves. I recently...
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Are you a steward or just in a stewardship program?
by Chuck Bentley | March 9, 2015
By Chuck Bentley A biblical understanding of God’s Word on finances indicate that stewardship is not a process to...
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We Are All Generous
by Chuck Bentley | January 23, 2015
By Chuck Bentley Todd Peterson, a friend of mine and a former NFL kicker, came up with my favorite...
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4 Steps to End Poverty
4 Steps to End Poverty
by Chuck Bentley | August 2, 2014
By Chuck Bentley It is hard to believe that it took a humanist composer to point out the weaknesses...
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Whom should we help?
by Crown Team | September 6, 2013
True and lasting financial freedom cannot be experienced in Christians’ finances unless they understand God’s perspective on giving and...
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Caring programs in the Church
by Crown Team | September 2, 2013
Every church seeking to serve the Lord should have caring programs established to help their own needy, the needy...
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Benevolence – How to Begin
by Crown Team | September 1, 2013
It is well known that there are churches in every community that help the needy. These benevolence ministries are...
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Business tithing
by Crown Team | May 13, 2013
Any business generally reflects the values of its principle owners or managers. It is the reflection of these values...
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Picking the Right Stock-to-Bond Mix
by Guest Contributor | October 20, 2012
by Mark Biller for Sound Mind Investing What determines the performance of your investment portfolio more than any other...
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Crown Indigo
Use of tithes
by Crown Team | February 15, 2012
Part of being a good steward (manager) of what God has provided is to give a portion back to...
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